On a Mission to Motivate & Inspire
1 Million College Students
To Graduate College & have a Thriving Career!
"WOWWWWWW WHAT AN UPLIFTING PRESENTATION! The entire presentation was most uplifting. I would highly RECOMMEND Jonathan"
Lila Love - Old Dominion University TRIO Director
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Student Leadership Playbook
⭐️ The Most Important Person to Motivate each day for SUCCESS
⭐️ Avoid the Fatal Mistake even the Smartest Leaders Learned the Hard Way
⭐️ The Real Secret Key to Elevating Those Around You with Winner Attitude
⭐️ The Crucial Identification Factors the Most Successful Leaders Find & Implement
"What a GREAT BOOK for students aspiring to be leaders, and students that don't know their potential to be a LEADER! This book will keep your students engaged and make them feel empowered! Highly Recommend it!"
-Veronica Silva Texas A&M University Kingsville Director
Do you need a High Energy & Impactful VIRTUAL Program?
✅ Highly Engaging (Not your normal Virtual Events)
✅ Hands FREE (We Host, Remind, and Hype Up Event)
✅ Incentives to create more Registrations & Engagement
Trusted by over 1,000 Universities, Schools, & Organizations

Leadership Super P.O.W.E.R.
Leadership is difficult. Leadership during adversity and difficult times is even harder. While adversity makes leadership harder, it also makes leadership more necessary. How exactly do we lead during adversity and difficult times?
Jonathan has worked with thousands of leaders across the country to develop P.O.W.E.R. P.O.W.E.R Leadership is the new call of leadership for these changing times.
In this engaging keynote, Jonathan takes student organizations, fraternity and sorority chapters, and athletic teams on a journey to accept the challenge and call of leadership. Avoid the pitfalls of the old ways of leadership and embrace the new action packed strategies top leaders implement during difficult times.
Learning Outcomes
As a result of attending this program, students will learn:
5 Action Packed strategies focused on immediate and long term confidence, courage, and culture.
7 common mistakes the smartest leaders avoid.
How to lead with emphasis on Goal Setting & Vision.
Lead in Challenging times with a positive attitude and a positive mindset.

Win Year 1 = Win Forever
A college education is a dream come true for many students. Unfortunately, the dream quickly becomes a nightmare for many 1st year and 1st generation students.
What is the difference between F.A.S.T. Success in Year One and a Nightmare disaster in Year One?
There is no need to fear because, in this signature program, Jonathan delivers your audience the playbook to powerful goals, overcome limiting forces, and develop the winning foundation to have victory day 1 of college/university and have victory in life forever.
Learning Outcomes
As a result of attending this program, students will learn:
4 Powerful Step Playbook on how to create a 4 Year Foundation to set up 40 plus years of happiness.
7 Critical traps every 1st generation and first year student must avoid for success.
Discover Personal Power to overcome anxiety, take opportunity, embrace resources, and make positive relationships
Welcome 2 the Jungle
People are the lifeblood of organizations, clubs, teams, sororities & fraternities and many need an effective plan to better understand their teams, members, and all relationships. More importantly, they need to know their personal barriers, hot buttons, and personality behaviors.
How do we effectively recruit, motivate, lead in the wild jungle where individual personalities and habits are so different?
In Welcome 2 the Jungle, individuals will gain the secret playbook to effectively communicate, inspire, lead, and motivate themselves and others. This interactive, engaging, and entertaining keynote will assist everyone in gaining clarity to their own personal animal style as well as how to overcome or prevent barriers when interacting with other animal styles.
Learning Outcomes
As a result of attending this program, students will learn:
Identify the 4 “Animals” you are engaging in your team/organization.
Develop the environment so that you and others can thrive working together as a team.
How to STOP RESPONDING in the wrong way to team members.
How to create a culture of effective communication.

Financial Foundations: 7 Things Your Students Need to be Shown About MONEY
The cost of education is growing. The cost of NOT being educated about MONEY is growing even faster. These days students are graduating with more debt and little to no savings more than ever before. A recent study reported that 80% of students failed a recent financial literacy quiz.
In this program, Jonathan Medina teaches students the 7 mistakes students must avoid in order to create a strong financial foundation. Students will walk away with planning strategies for financial and academic success. More students may be going to school, but if we do not teach them financial literacy we are only closing the academic gap, not the success & achievement gap. Together we can help first generation students build financial wealth.
Learning Outcomes
As a result of attending this program, students will learn:
Learn the 7 most common financial mistakes made by students.
How to make simple strategies for Financial and Academic Success.
The most important people to connect with about finances before and during college.
The biggest thing your students and families can do right now.
Jonathan Medina
Top Hispanic / LatinX Speaker
- First Generation Student
- NCAA Division 1 Football Player
- #1 Best Selling Author (Student Leadership Playbook)
- Former Class President, Student Council Officer, National Honor Society, FFA, Captain of Football & Basketball Teams
- Over 1 Millions Students, Staff, & Parents Reached
1st Generation Student & NCAA Division 1 Football Player Jonathan Medina Learned many lessons Overcoming many at-risk factors (Poverty, Homelessness, First Generation, Domestic Violence, Migrant, & Fatherless) to become a Division 1 Football player at prestigious Georgetown University and first in family to walk stage at graduation.
Today Jonathan has shared lessons from his books (Educational Leadership, Student Success Playbook, & Student Leadership Playbook) to MOTIVATE over 1 MILLION students, staff, and parents across the US at places such as Harvard, Texas A&M, GEAR UP National Conferences, and over 1,000 schools nationwide from New York City to Los Angeles. Over 15,000 students have attended Leadership Camps Jonathan has lead Nationwide.
Book Award Winning Program with Jonathan before time runs OUT
TEXT: (832) 713-0296
Schedule a $200 FREE consultation to plan your orientation or event with Jonathan Medina before it's too late
Campuspeak (20+ Years Trusted in College Market) & Jonathan Medina Partner for DREAM BIGGER Tour
Colleges & Universities LOVE to
Partner with Jonathan Medina
"My favorite part was your perseverance and how you inspire your brother to succeed." ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Vivian West Virginia University TRIO
"The Lively engagement was key. You are the real deal, genuine and passionate. You shared your heart with us, the participants. That makes the message memorable. I had so much fun. " ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Prof Kim Shelton Mansfield University TRIO
"I loved your testimony. I love to hear about how you preserved through so many challenges...Thank you very much Jonathan!!! I really appreciated hearing you today. I need to hear you. Our stories need to be told" ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Evora Baker Central Virginia University
"Students need to hear your story and know that they can be overcomers too." Pat UMES ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
"Jonathan's personal stories were the best. So many of our students have similar stories." Betsy Lumley VSU ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
"I enjoyed Jonathan's journey that you spoke about today. That's something I believe our students need to hear, and see those real ife examples of successful individuals who come from the same circumstances as them." Steven VCU ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
"I lived hearing Jonathan's story and the audience interaction. Our program is located in rural SW VA, so I know a lot of our students could relate to your experiences." Christy MECC ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
"My favorite part of the presentation was Jonathan sharing his story of how he came to be the person he is today...This is our students; they face these barriers every single day. I learned that where you start is not where you end. This was something our kids don't get to discuss in school. They need this conversation so that they don't make the same mistakes we made." Tiera VCU ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
"Jonathan's story is powerful. I would recommend Jonathan because we still have a lot of students just like Jonathan. I was one of them." Joel UMD ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
"We work with mostly first generation students who experience some of the same obstacles as Jonathan did. I can't wait to share Jonathan's story of how to persevere." Djenaba Bahar ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
"WOWWWWWW WHAT AN UPLIFTING PRESENTATION! The entire presentation was most uplifting. I would highly RECOMMEND Jonathan for any TRIO program that serves first generation and low income students (College, High School, and Junior High Students), because Jonathan is a prime example of "you have the burning desire to achieve, you can, despite the odds!"- Lila Love Director Federal TRIO Upward Bound Old Dominion University ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️